
武林动态 2010-10-12


第八届中国•郑州国际少林武术节竞 赛 规 程一、竞赛日期和地点2010年10月22日-26日,中国•河南郑州。二、主办单位:中国国家体育总局、河南省人民政府三、承办单位:中国武术协会、河南省体育局、郑州市人民政府四、参加办法各国家或地区的武术团体、武术组织和个人均可报名参加。五、竞赛项目(一)少林规定项目拳术、刀术、剑术、棍术、枪术。(二)少林传统项目1、拳术:洪拳、罗汉拳、炮拳、长护心意门、七星拳、梅花拳、朝阳拳、通臂拳、太祖长拳、其它拳术。2、器械:短器械、长器械、双器械、软器械、其它器械。(三) 少林对练项目六合拳(耳巴、踢打)、六合棍、六合枪。(四)国际竞赛规定项目1、长拳类:长拳、剑术、刀术、枪术、棍术。套路时间不少于1分20秒。不设年龄组别。2、南拳类:南拳、南刀、南棍。套路时间不少于1分20秒。不设年龄组别。3、太极拳类:42式太极拳、42式太极剑。(五)其它项目1、除竞赛项目外,凡有利于身体健康的、科学的其它传统拳术、器械(如:太极拳类等项目)。2、对练项目:徒手与徒手、徒手与器械、器械与器械。3、集体项目:6人以上,男女不限,可配音乐。(六)男子散打项目(年龄18-35岁,由大会组委会专门邀请参赛)级别为:56公斤级、65公斤级、75公斤级、 85公斤级、 90公斤以上级。六、套路个人项目年龄分组:A组:12周岁以下(1999年1月1日之后出生者)。B组:12周岁至17周岁(1993年1月1日-1998年12月31日出生)。C组:18周岁至39周岁(1971年1月1日-1992年12月31日出生)。D组:40周岁至59周岁(1951年1月1日-1970年12月31日出生)。E组:60周岁和60周岁以上(1950年12月31日以前出生者)。七、参加办法(一)各代表团(队)可报团长1人,领队1人,教练2—3人,医生1人,运动员和观摩人员人数不限。(二)参加套路项目的报项办法1、每名运动员限报2个单项(拳术、器械各1项)。可兼报对练和集体项目。2、每队限报对练项目1项。编组限2人或3人,男、女均可。3、每队限报集体项目1项。性别、年龄组不限。人数不得少于6人(少于6人时不予编排)。(三)参加散打比赛的运动队,由大会组委会专门邀请参赛。八、竞赛办法(一)本次套路比赛采用中国武术协会2006年审定的《传统武术套路竞赛办法》。(二)套路项目同类拳种、器械集中编组,凡每一拳种、器械不足5人时,均集中编为“其它类”或并入上一组。(三)套路项目时间1、拳术、器械项目:套路时间不超过2分钟(规定长拳类、规定南拳类、太极拳类项目除外)。2、规定长拳类、规定南拳类项目:套路时间不少于1分20秒。3、太极拳项目:套路时间4—6分钟。演练至5分钟时,裁判长鸣哨提示。4、太极器械项目:套路时间3—4分钟。演练至3分时,裁判长鸣哨提示。5、对练项目:套路时间不少于40秒。6、集体项目时间不超过4分钟,可以配乐(自备CD盘或音乐磁带),音乐伴奏中不能出现说唱等其他内容,比赛时,由本队教练或领队负责放音乐。(四)散打比赛采用国际武术联合会审定的《武术散打竞赛规则》。比赛采用单败淘汰制。每场比赛实行三局两胜制,每局净打2分钟,局间休息1分钟。具体事项另行通知。九、评奖办法(一)套路比赛竞赛项目各单项各组别男、女分别设金、银、铜奖。按参赛人数各三分之一录取,分别颁发金牌、银牌、铜牌和证书。(二)散打比赛各级别录取前六名。第1、2、3名颁发奖金、奖牌和证书,第4、5、6名颁发证书。各级别奖金数额:第1名:奖励人民币5000元。第2名:奖励人民币3000元。第3名:奖励人民币1000元。(三)本次比赛设“优秀组织奖”。以参赛队为单位,按参加人数多少给予奖励。十、报名和报到(一)报名请各参赛队于9月22日前将报名表用A4纸打印1式2份,1份邮寄至第八届中国郑州国际少林武术节组委会,1份存留本队备份,便于核查。并发送电子邮件或传真报名。电子邮件(E-mail): zzwushu@gmail.comzzwushu@live.com 地 址:中国•河南郑州商城路230号,第八届中国郑州国际少林武术节组委会 邮 编:450000 联系电话: 86-371-66265334 / 66222454传真电话:86-371-66265334 / 66222454联 系 人:周朝晖、李伟 (二)报到1、请各队于10月21--22日报到。2、入境口岸及交通路线(1)组委会从郑州口岸开始接待。(2)凡经香港、澳门者,有飞机及火车直达郑州市。(3)中国境内从北京、上海、广州均有飞机、火车直达郑州市。十一、经费(一)各参赛单位费用自理。(二)费用标准:1、三星级酒店:标准间每人每天50美元,单人间80美元。2、四星级酒店:标准间每人每天55美元,单人间90美元。3、以上费用,含食宿、比赛、大会统一组织的活动、交通、宴请及开、闭幕式费用。(三)各代表队每人交报名费40美元。十二、仲裁委员会和裁判员(一)仲裁委员会人员组成和职责范围按《仲裁委员会条例》执行。(二)裁判人员另行选派。十三、联系方式(一)中国武术协会 外事部联 系 人:富博、杨丽平联系电话:86-10-64912153传真电话:86-10-64912151 通讯地址:中国北京市朝阳区安定路3号 邮 编:100101 电子邮箱:iwuf@iwuf.org(二)第八届中国郑州国际少林武术节组委会联 系 人:周朝晖、李伟联系电话:86-371-66265334 / 66222454传真电话:86-371-66265334 / 66222454通讯地址:中国河南郑州市商城路230号,第八届中国郑州国际少林武术节组委会邮 编:450000电子邮箱:zzwushu@gmail.comzzwushu@live.com十四、其它(一)各参赛队请于2010年10月16日前,告知组委会抵达中国郑州的具体日期、航班或车次,以便接站。车次、航班和竞赛信息可登陆tyj.zhengzhou.gov.cn查询。(二)参赛运动员需自行办理《人身意外保险》,并签署《责任声明书》。(三)散打运动员报到时须交本人护照或身份证复印件、县级以上医院出具的《运动员体检证明》(具体内容为:脑电图、心电图、脉搏、血压。身体检查证明以本次赛前15天内方能有效)和《人身意外保险单》。(四)运动员服装、器械、训练用品自备。散打比赛护具(护齿、护裆自备)由大会准备。(五)为保证竞赛秩序,参赛人员项目有特殊情况需要更改,在10月22日晚21:00以前向大会竞赛部提出书面申请,经同意后,每更换一个项目交20美元。(六)此规程、报名表和规则可在中国武术协会网站(www.wushu.com.cn)或郑州市体育局网站(tyj.zhengzhou.gov.cn)下载。 十五、未尽事宜,另行通知

Regulations of the 8th Zhengzhou China International

Regulations of the 8th Zhengzhou China InternationalShaolin Wushu Festival

I. DATE AND PLACEFrom October 22 to 26, 2010 in Zhengzhou, Henan, China. II. ORGANIZERSGeneral Administration of Sports of ChinaPeople’s Government of Henan ProvinceIII. UNDERTAKEN BYChinese Wushu AssociationSports Bureau of Henan ProvincePeople’s Municipal Government of Zhengzhou Ⅳ. PARTICIPANTSAny wushu group, organization or individual.Ⅴ. COMPETITON EVENTS 1. Shaolin compulsory events:Quanshu, Daoshu, Jianshu, Gunshu, Qiangshu2.Traditional shaolin events:a.Quanshu:Hongquan, Luohanquan, Paoquan, Changhuxinyimen, Qixingquan, Meihuaquan, Chaoyangquan, Tongbiquan, Taizuchangquan.b. Apparatus:Short apparatus, Long apparatus, Double apparatus, Soft apparatus and other apparatus.3. Shaolin dual eventsLiuhequan (erba and tida), Liuhegun, Liuheqiang 4. International compulsory taolu competition events. a.Changquan class: Changquan, Jianshu, Daoshu, Qiangshu, Gunshu (No less than 1 minute 20 seconds).There is no age group in competitions.b. Nanquan class: Nanquan, Nandao, Nangun (No less than 1 minute 20 seconds).There’s no age group in competitions.c. Taijiquan class: 42 Forms Taijiquan, 42 Forms Taijijian.5. Other Eventsa. Besides the above competition events, all other Quanshu and Apparatus events that are healthy and scientific are acceptable (eg. Taijiquan etc).b. Dual events: bare-handed to bare-handed, bare-handed to apparatus, apparatus to apparatus.c. Group events: Each team shall be composed of 6 persons at least (no restriction on genders). Music shall be accompanied to suit the choreography.6. Men’s Sanda (age: 18-35;Specifically invited by the organizing committee.)56kg, 65kg, 75kg, 85kg, 90+kgⅥ. Age Groups in Taolu Competitions.Group A: below age 12 (born after Jan. 1, 1999)Group B: age 12-17 (born between Jan. 1, 1993 and Dec. 31, 1998)Group C: age 18-39 (born between Jan. 1, 1971 and Dec. 31, 1992)Group D: age 40-59 (born between Jan. 1, 1951 and Dec. 31, 1970)Group E: above 60 (born before Dec. 31, 1950)Ⅶ. PARTICIPATION1. Each team shall be composed of one head of the delegation, one team leader, two or three coaches, one doctor and several athletes and observers(no restriction on the number of the athletes or observers).2. Participation of Taolu:a. Each competitor may enter a maximum of 2 individual events in Taolu (1 quanshu and 1 apparatus). He/she may enter for dual events and group events. b. Each team may enter 1 dual event. The group shall be composed by at most three competitors. Male and female competitors can be mixed c. Each team may enter 1 group event. There is no limitation for the age groups (The competition will not be arranged if the number of participants is less the 6 in one group).3. The Organizing Committee will invite specific teams to attend Sanda competitions.Ⅷ. COMPETITION1. The Taolu competition will be conducted in accordance with ‘Rules for Traditional Wushu Taolu Competition’ endorsed by the Chinese Wushu Association in 2006.2. Quanshu and Apparatus of the same kind are put into the same group. All the quanshu and apparatus, whose participants are less than 5 persons, are put into the other kinds of routines or the previous group.3. Time limit a. Quanshu and apparatus routines shall be within 2 minutes (except compulsory changquan class, compulsory nanquan class and taijiquan class).b. Compulsory Changquan and Nanquan Routines shall be no less than 1 minute 20 seconds.c. Taijiquan shall be 4-6 minutes. The head judge will blow a whistle at the 5th minute.d. Taiji apparatus shall be 3- 4 minutes. The head judge will blow a whistle at the third minute.e. Dual events shall be no less than 40 secondsf. Group event shall be less than 4 minutes. Music can be accompanied to the routine. (CD or tapes shall be provided by the participating teams.) No lyrics are allowed. The team leaders and the coaches will be in charge of music during the competition. 4. The Sanda competition will be conducted in accordance with ‘Rules for International Sanda Competition’ endorsed by the IWUF. The knockout system will be adopted. Winning two out of three rounds in a bout of fight will be adopted. Each round lasts 2 minutes. The interval between rounds is 1 minute. Details will be notified in due course. Ⅸ. PLACING AND AWARDS1. The number of winners shall be awarded according to the number of competitors in Taolu competition events. One third of the total competitors who participate in Taolu competition events shall be awarded gold medal & certificate for both men and women according to age groups, one third of silver medal & certificate, one third of bronze medal & certificate.2. The first six places of each category will be awarded in Sanda event:1st Place Gold Medal, RMB 5000 Yuan prize and Certificate2nd Place Silver Medal, RMB 3000 Yuan prize and Certificate3rd Place Bronze Medal, RMB 1000 Yuan prize and Certificate4th - 6th Places Certificate3. Excellent Organization Award will be issued by Organizing Committee to those delegations with the most representatives.Ⅹ. ENTRIES AND REGISTRATION1. Entries: Entry Forms should reach the Organizing Committee by mail or fax no later than September 22, 2010. The Entry Forms must be printed in A4 size paper in duplicate, one copy to the Organizing Committee of the 8th Zhengzhou China International Shaolin Wushu Festival and one copy to be brought with the team as confirmation during its registration in Zhengzhou.E-mail: zzwushu@gmail.com zzwushu@live.comAddress: Organizing Committee of the 8th Zhengzhou China International Shaolin Wushu Festival No.230, Shangcheng Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan 450000, P.R. ChinaTel: 86-371-66265334 66222454Fax: 86-371-66265334 66222454Contact: Zhou Zhaohui Li Wei2. Registrationa. The participating teams are required to register from October 21 to 22, 2010.b. Port of entry and traffic routeThe Organizing Committee will give reception at the Port of Zhengzhou City.Zhengzhou City can be reached via Hongkong, Macao by flight or train.There are non-stop flights and trains to Zhengzhou City from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.Ⅺ. FINANCIAL1. Each team shall be responsible for their expenses.2. During the competition each team member will be charged as follow:Three-star hotel U.S $ 50 per person per day for double roomU.S $ 80 per person per day for single roomFour-star hotelU.S $ 55 per person per day for double roomU.S $ 90 per person per day for single roomThe charge includes accommodation, local transportation, competition, activities, banquets, opening and closing ceremonies. 3. Each team member should pay registration fee U.S$40 for each person.Ⅻ. Jury Committee and Judges1. The composition and duty of the Jury Committee shall be implemented according to the Regulations of Jury Committee. 2. The selection of judges will be notified in due courseⅩⅢ. CONTACT1. Foreign Affairs Department of Chinese Wushu AssociationContact person: Fu BO Yang LipingTel: 86-10-64912153 Fax: 86-10-64912151Address: NO.3 Anding Road Chaoyang District Beijing 100101, P.R. ChinaE-mail: iwuf@iwuf.org2. Organizing Committee of the 8th Zhengzhou China International Shaolin Wushu FestivalContact person: Zhou Zhaohui Li WeiTel: 86-371-66265334 66222454Fax: 86-371-66265334 66222454Address: No.230, Shangcheng Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan 450000, P.R. China, Organizing Committee of the 8th Zhengzhou China International Shaolin Wushu FestivalE-mail: zzwushu@gmail.com zzwushu@live.comⅩⅣ. OTHER MATTERS.1. Please inform the Organizing Committee the date of your arrival, and flight or train details before October 16, so that the transportation will be arranged properly. For more information, please log on the following website: tyj.zhengzhou.gov.cn2. Athletes shall cover their life insurance by themselves and sign Waiver of Liabilities.3. Sanda athletes must bring along with a copy of passport or ID card, a Health Certificate (including electroencephalogram,electrocardiogram, pulse and blood pressure) issued within 15 days before the competition and a Life Insurance. 4. Costumes, apparatus and training equipments shall be prepared by athletes themselves. In Sanda Events, shield and jockstrap should be prepared by the athletes themselves, protective equipment will be provided by the Organizing Committee. 5. In order to keep the order of competition arrangement, written application should be submitted to the Competition Department by competitors whose events needed to be changed under special circumstances before 21:00 o’clock on 22 October (US$20.00 for each change after approval).6. The Regulations and Application Forms can be downloaded from the websites of Chinese Wushu Association(www.wushu.com.cn)and Sports Bureau of Zhengzhou City(tyj.zhengzhou.gov.cn)ⅩⅤ. The matters uncovered in this regulation will be notified in due course.
