
武林动态 2009-10-24

功夫资讯网讯 2009年10月24日,北京市散打冠军赛火热进行中,吸引了中外功夫爱好者前来观战。记者采访了前来观赛的荷兰友人Chris Reser。

Chris Reser 原本习练印度尼西亚传统武术本扎,今年二月份来到中国,跟随北京国际意拳培训中心岳江华老师学习意拳。虽然入门不久,但他对意拳及中国传统武术十分痴迷,对意拳的养生保健、精神调节等方面的功效颇为认同。他认为,意拳重在以意念引导动作,此以方式形成的浑元力使精神与肢体、肢体与动作达到高度协调统一,随时随机发力,可融汇诸家功夫于其中,是中国传统武术的一朵奇葩。这也是他选择练习意拳的主要原因。最后,Chris Reser 浏览了功夫资讯网及全球功夫杂志,对该网站丰富的内容、生动活泼的技术分析、国内外影响较大武术人物和全面翔实的拳种介绍大为夸赞,并期望着该网英文版本早日上线。

Holland Kungfu Lover Talking About Trainning of Yi Quan

On October 24, 2009, Beijing Sanda Championship is progressing wonderfully, attracting martial arts fans here to watch the battle. The journalist had an interview of MR. Chris Reser from Holland.

Chris Reser originally practised Benza, the most famous traditional martial art of Indonesia. In February of this year, he came to China to learn Yi Quan, one important kind of Wush, with Mr. Yue Jianghua, one coach from Beijing International Training Center of Yi Quan as his teacher.. Although he has not learnt Yi Quan for a long time, he is quite fanscinated with Yiquan and other traditional Chinese martial arts. What’s more, he thinks high of the function and effectiveness of Yi Quan in health care and mental conditioning. In his view, Yi Quan focuses on thought which is believed as the guide of action in practise and forms the foundation of Hun Yuan Force, in order to make the spirit and body integrated in excellent harmonization. Meanwhile, taking various kinds of martial arts together to defense and attack, practitioners can also take effort to increase strength at any time and in any degree. This is great and is the main reason of his choosing to practice Yiquan.

Finally, Chris Reser visited the Global Kungfu Website and the Global kungfu magazine, and was satisfied with the rich content and the detailed analysis of the martial arts techniques on the pages, and he also expressed his hope for the establishment of the English version of the website. Report from the Global Kungfu Website.
Chris Reser 饶有兴致地浏览功夫资讯网网页
