
武林动态 2023-07-17



Gongfu tea is a traditional Chinese tea brewing method that originated in the southern provinces of China. It involves the use of small teapots and cups, and a specific set of brewing techniques to create a concentrated, flavorful tea. Gongfu tea has become increasingly popular in recent years and is now enjoyed by people all around the world.

Choosing the Right Tea


The first step in making Gongfu tea is selecting the right type of tea. The most commonly used teas for Gongfu are oolong and pu-erh teas, but other types such as black or green tea can also be used. When choosing your tea, it’s important to select high-quality loose leaf teas that are fresh and have been properly stored.

Preparing the Teapot and Cups

Before brewing your tea, it’s essential to properly prepare your teapot and cups. Rinse them with hot water to remove any dust or dirt, then add boiling water to preheat them. This will help maintain the temperature of your tea throughout the brewing process.

Brewing Your Tea

To brew Gongfu tea, you’ll need to use a small teapot and a strainer. Add one teaspoon of loose leaf tea for every 100ml of water into your teapot. The amount of water you use will depend on the size of your teapot, but generally, you’ll want to fill it about halfway full.

Next, pour hot water over the leaves until they are fully covered. Let the leaves soak for about 10 seconds before pouring out this initial infusion into a waste container – this helps remove any impurities from the tea leaves.

For subsequent infusions (Gongfu typically involves multiple infusions), pour hot water over the leaves in a circular motion, starting from the center and moving outwards. This helps ensure that all of the leaves are evenly soaked. The first infusion should be steeped for about 20-30 seconds, with each subsequent infusion adding around 5-10 seconds to the steeping time.

Serving Your Tea

Gongfu tea is typically served in small cups, often made of porcelain or clay. After each infusion, use a strainer to remove any tea leaves from your teapot before pouring into a cup. When serving your tea, hold the teapot close to the cup and pour slowly and steadily to prevent splashing.


Brewing Gongfu tea takes practice, but with time and patience, you can create a delicious and flavorful tea that’s perfect for sharing with friends or enjoying on your own. Remember to use high-quality teas, properly prepare your teapot and cups, and follow the brewing techniques carefully to achieve the best results.
